Sunday, September 21, 2008

Autumn is here

I have a list of things I would like to do over the next two months. Autumn is my favorite season I wish it lasted longer.

I want to go camping at Yosemite. (anyone want to go?)
I want to head down to Disneyland for a weekend. (anyone?)
I'd like to go to Tahoe for a weekend. (anyone?)
and of course throughout all of these mini trips take photo's

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wrong color?

So thats the kitchen total wrong color, I think I need to go a green to tie in the floor.

This is the Living room, and I like that color.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


This weekend the DYI bug hit me. I finally painted the wall I had been wanting to, but now I think I might want to paint two other and the kitchen. Then my old coffee table that was given to me I finally started to sand it down to refinish it. I'm now thinking about building my own side table (as tv stands only work for so long), as well as one of those tables that line up against the back of a couch.

So next weekend I think I'll paint the kitchen and stain the coffee table. I also need to start sewing a few things for this holiday season. I predict my fall will be a hands on productive one.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Somethings never change

In 1998-2000 I lived in Los Gatos there was this one Chinese fast food place that I would go to sometimes. Their chow mein and sweet & sour chicken was always the best in town I thought.
Since then I've lived overseas and just out of the area. So this evening I figured I'd drive over there and have it again. What surprised me was that it cost the same today as it did over 8 years ago. Seriously! Gas has risen by $2.50 a gallon, milk has even risen, rent has skyrocketed, there was even a rice shortage, but this place has not changed their prices, I'm amazed.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A mini-fridge dedicated to beer?

So is it bad if you have a mini-fridge just for your alcohol?

So recently we had a housewarming party, people surprised us by bringing gifts of the alcoholic nature. By the time the party was over, we had 4 bottles of wine, and 2 12 packs of beer.

So we put our heads together and figured we needed to have a party to get rid of this alcohol. Thanks to David and Landon that wanted to throw a party but didn't have a venue, we had a party the following weekend.

So thinking 24+ bottles of beer, 4 bottles of wine was enough we didn't buy anything else. As people started to show up we realized they had more alcohol.

At the end of that party we now have more beer, less wine, and now a hard liquor collection that has started. I think it's in order to have another in a month, put please don't bring anything as we don't really drink so we want to get rid of what we have.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So I have a friend...

No really I do have a friend and this story is about her. Of course her permission to blog about her. Actually she asked me to blog about this so here is her story...

So you know ladies when you get near that magic number of 30 and god forbid still single you start to look around and ask yourself why. They you think ah a proactive approach might be best, so you do what we've all done that are single over 28 you sign up e'feh harmony. Then you get these stupid matches that look good then the next day you get a closed message that just says 'other'. You're left thinking well if you can't man up and say why you closed then you aren't the man for me.

Then you meet that one guy, you know the one where you start to click, you've gone through the questions, the must have/can't stand list and you match up pretty well. So you start to email, things are going great. Now you're just waiting for him to man up and ask to meet. Finally a week later he does and the next thing you know on Wednesday you are grabbing coffee.

Holy moiling, you are actually meeting. Okay so he gave me his really email and I now know his last name. (of course I've already tried my name with his last name). So I do exactly what Oprah tells you NOT to do. You google him. Being the non-computer genius you are you don't find anything. That’s right not even a myspace or facebook page of him. Does he really exist?

So of course you tell your girlfriends, and give them all the latest juice on this guy, before your coffee date. Being the good friends that they are and knowing that you aren't the most computer savvy person around they google him. This time they find something....

That's that right something you aren't sure if you should tell your friend before the date or after the date. So being the friend they are they hold off until after the date.

The date come and its FABOLOUS! Man this guy is great, we click there wasn't more than 2 minutes of awkward conversation at the beginning. Things flowed well, and at the end there was a hug and words that you thinking there could be another.

As you are sharing this with your friend, they are thinking if now is the time to share this. So finally after 10 minutes they break the news too you. He has a 95% chance of being ENGAGED! that’s right your friends found his myspace page and there is a girl waving an engagement ring on it with comments of congratulations.

You take the news as a shock and don't know what to think or say. You feel slightly crushed, embarrassed and confused. Why would a guy that is engaged be on e'feh Harmony?

Well a few days pass and no word from him, of course no email for closure or anything. So you brave it up and write him an email. That basically says thanks for the great time, just curious as to why no email. Then you brave it up even more and put 'ps you might want to ask your fiancé to pull down your myspace page.'

Don’t worry it only gets better, one week after the coffee you are driving with your friend and suddenly you notice that walking down the street it’s him…..his fiancĂ©…. And his dog. You flip a U turn just to confirmed that yes you did go on a coffee date with an engaged guy.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm nervous about Rollercoasters

So I recently figured out what my job is like a long roller coaster that never ends.
I go through 4 major events a year that take months of planning, so image those as my big climbs to the steep drops. Then through out those months of leading up to some major event I have many small events for between 40-100 people, which to me are like the little vertexes that you spiral down really quickly somewhat unexpected. Then on this ride I have those sudden loops that take you by surprise where suddenly I just have to make sure quick things are 100% completed as lives depend on it.

All in all I'm not sure what I think about this ride but right now my hands are up and I'm ready to go down from this climb.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I like station wagons!

It seems that it's getting closer to that time of year again. You know the time of year when you're over 28 you start to dread? The time of year when people say ah you aren't old 30's the new 20? The time of year where you really start to notice those gray hairs that are creeping up? Well, it's that time of the year for me pretty soon.

As I sit down and reflects on my 30th year (which I still have one month of left) I realize I haven't completed one of my goals. I had this goal to visit 30 countries by the time being 30 was over with. I still have I believe 7 left. I think that goal will need to change to 30 countries by the time I'm out of my 30ths.

In the past 11 months I've had the chance to travel to Tacoma, which was just awesome. Then did a road trip to Kansas City, MO. Both of those trips I got to do with my good friend Cassie.

Also in the past 11 months I changed jobs. It's funny in a recent conversation with an old friend she mentioned that I've had a lot of jobs in my life. As we reflected on those jobs, each one taught me something that I'm now able to tie into my dream job of sorts that I'm now in. Leaving the corporate world banking wasn't that hard to do as my heart was never in it. It's strange to think that I haven't even been in my new job for 10 months, I don't think there could be a more prefect job for me out there.

I had two of my photo's auctioned off for charity. Which was awesome as I've never even sold a photo before, but they each went for $300. The greatest part was that all the money raised by the auction in total was around $9,000 and I got to pick the organization it went too. After that a few people were keen to purchase some of my work.

My car was totaled as well in the past 11 months, so bye bye Honda Civic and hello Chevy HHR. I'm still super pleased with my choice. Now thinking about it I think I have a thing for station wagons. Am I odd?

Let's see what this next year holds for me...

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I was in Barcelona in the spring of 2004, all over the place they had such creative handbags. I would look at them and think I can make that, or that would be pretty easy to design. Low and behold I never attempted to make one.

Now years later I'm going to attempting too. Charlie and I were chatting a few weeks ago about doing something called Advent Conspiracy. To find out more check out their website. So a little over 2 weeks ago we got together for an evening of chit chat, creativity, and brain storming. After looking through lots of books and magazines I came to the conclusion that I should attempt to make some of those creative hand bags I saw in Barcelona.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well its' Tuesday and I'm exhausted. I feel like it should be Friday but low and behold I still have 3 more days until the weekend.
This week I have meetings and more meetings, then more meetings.
Let see
Monday 11:45am-1pm
Tuesday 10am-12pm
Wednesday 6:45am-9am (thats right in the morning)
Wednesday 11:30-1pm
Thursday 5:30-7:30pm
Saturday 7:30am-9:30am (thats right another morning meeting)
Sunday 12:30-2pm

And the kicked is all of these meetings surround food, why is that?

Oh and my other list of things to complete this week:
Budgets for the next FY
paint 1500 puzzle pieces
print 1500 stickers
order 1200 brochures
put together packets for compassion reps
buy ping pong balls
sort and order photo's
look into high res photos to enlarge

needless to say I need a day off..

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I'm due for a post but nothing has come to mind for me to blog about. Anything you want to hear about?

Monday, July 14, 2008

the great debate

So I'm looking to get my first tattoo, and I must say i don't know anyone that has this... so for me that's what makes it even more tempting... as well it's so me.
I just can't figure out where I want it... I know my back but where the upper shoulder, or the lower back...
so what is this tattoo you ask? the California state flag...

Made in

Friday, July 11, 2008


I'm reading a book called Visioneering, by Andy Stanley. I picked up this book because, recently we sent a survey to all of our supported missionaries at WestGate. Three of them wrote this book down; one lives in Japan, one in the bay area, and one somewhere else (can't recall). But to me it says something when three people that don't know one another say that this was their favorite book that they've read this past year. So of course I ordered it.

As I've read chapter one, he talked about Nehemiah. He had this to say; ' Nehamiah's vision didn't begin as a vision. It begin as a concern, a burden.' For Nehamiah it was a burden for his nation and its people. Nehamiah knew what we all have a hard time remembering 'What could be and should be can't be until God is ready for it to be. So he waited.'

So often times at work and in life I hear a good idea or better yet a great idea. In many instances I want to jump on the idea and start NOW! I've learned through jumping on an idea too early that things take time to develop. Just as we can't rush a 9month pregancy we can't rush a vision, a burden, an idea. It takes time to develop, sharpen, a deeper burden for that vision, and prayer.

Some people might wait for forty years like Moses, or four months like Nehamiah, but all the same there is a waiting period. There is a burden, idea, vision that has been on my heart for over four years (since come home from the mission field) that I've yet to hear God saying it's time. There have been oppurtunities for me to jump on this and start but each time, God's asked me to wait. All along my heart is growing in love and burden for these people. But I have to remember: 'What could be and should be can't be until God is ready for it to be.'

So now I continue to wait.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Update & to do list:

It seems that I've abandoned this for a few days. Don't worry I'm still here.

Update & to do list:
New house.... is awesome!
Move..... went smooth
Internet & Cable..... Not up until July 7th, which is a bummer
Haiti Team..... money is raised and team leaves Sunday
Luggage.... now I get the ultimate task of packing team luggage. Supper excited about this it's like a huge puzzle
TV..... new one is being picked up this week
Soccer nets.... I need to find soccer nets for the Haiti team. I need 4 of these!
Baseball gloves..... I need to find as main of these as possible for the Haiti team
Paint.... I get to paint a wall or two my house... maybe in the next week or two
Transportation.... to SFO on Sunday for 15 people + luggage
Washer & Dryer.... get those hooked up in new house
Dishwasher.... figure out why there is no water going to it
Contact paper.... finish the kitchen
Books.....figure out where books are going to go in the new house

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Things I look forward to in the new house:

-bigger closet (like double the size I have now)
-larger bedroom
-large kitchen
-cooking in the large kitchen
-storage space
-fires in the winter and fall
-lemon & lime trees
-having a garden that takes care of all that
-having great housemates
-a parking spot in the drive way
-developing a herb garden
-trying out the bus to work (save gas)
-and the new tv I'm getting

Screaming and Jumping

Well I think summer is here... at least in my office it is. This next week I have my office to myself, I am pretty sure I am not going to know what to do. I was thinking of actually locking the door so people can't walk in asking question, or scare me like Jon did today. He says I flew out of my seat but all I remember is screaming.
So next week if you come by WestGate and happen to hear loud music coming from a room with no lights on and just the glow from the computer screens. Don't walk in, I'm enjoy my space and most likely working on things for the spring of 2009.

...But if you do walk in please announce yourself so I don't scream and jump again.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Summer play list:
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
The National - The boxer & Cherry Tree
Vampire Weekend - self titled
Pawnshop Kings - Locksley
Ray Lamontagne - Trouble
and I look forward to Sigur Ros new album next week.

This list seem short, who should I add?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Harry's Hofbrau

Fathers day & Dad's birthday all rolled into one day. I took my father out for a late lunch at one of his favorite places Harry's Hofbrau. I think we go there about ever other year and every other year I leave thinking 'why is this places so popular?'. But today wasn't about the food it was about my Dad, turning 59 as he says (really he is 60). I've known him half of his life and still feel like I'm just scratching the surface in getting to know him. Is that odd? He's kind of mysteries, he's one of the few people that I've never been able to read. He keeps to himself, and doesn't say much. I wonder if I will ever fully know him, or if I'll just continue to scratch this surface.

Well Happy Birthday Dad & Happy Father's Day!

L-R botton row: Cousin Michael, Grandpa
Middle row: Shawn (Michael's wife)m Aunt Susy, my sisters christina & Nicole (holding Jaden), Me, Dad
Back row: Uncle Bill, cousin Chris, brother in law Matt holding Skyelar. (missing my brother)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Vintage Factuary

So tonight I ventured over to Santa Cruz to watch a band that I hadn't heard of until Wednesday this past week, Pawnshop Kings. They were actually really good, so good I even bought a CD. When was the last time you bought a physical CD?

Sitting there tonight with a great a latte and great music reminded me of the Factory coffee shop, at the Harpenden YWAM base. The atmosphere was so right there, even down to the old luggage piled high to make a coffee table. Although I don't think I saw any old doors being used for tables. And this room was actually warm, with no rat sightings. So two thumbs up for the Brickhouse soon to be the Abbey over in Santa Cruz.

Honey, can you pass me that box...

Does packing drain any one else? cause it sure drains me.
I mean you never know how much stuff you have until you have to pack it into small boxed, and then you realize you have 40-60 boxes. Serious since returning from England in May 2004, I've moved 4 times. Now here is the catcher when I moved back from England all of my belongings fit into four 70pound bags (the airline limit at the time) so you could say I had 280lbs worth of stuff. On my 2nd move in August of 2004 I needed a small uhaul truck to move to Walnut Creek, grant you my stuff didnt' fill it up at all. Then in 2006 I moved to Sunnyvale to my own little cottage and I had to hire a medium size truck from uhaul and all of my stuff just fit. Then in 2007 when I moved from my wonderful cottage to an apartment with my sister I actually had to hire a moving company. And this time, I've just reserved a 26 ft truck from uhaul, grant you it's suppose to fit my stuff and my new roommates stuff. So needless to say where do I get all of this stuff from.
I guess I need to keep in mind that yes my grandparents did pass away during time, and I have a lot of there stuff. In fact some of it is in a storage unit.
So I'm pretty sure that within the first month of moving we will be having a garage sale, or at least I will.
Oh and this is my last move, until I get swept off my feet because I am sick of packing by myself and then moving all of these boxes. So hubby if you are reading this you can find me at my last house which I've dub the Omega House. 3055 Leigh Ave......

Friday, June 13, 2008

Buried Alive

So if you know me you know I have a heart for the disabled. I just watched this video that I found through a group on facebook. I have to admit I had tears in my eyes. This isn't the first time I've hear of children with disabilities being killed because they were born with down syndrome or cerebral palsy's. In fact in this movie from what I can see it looks like both of these children might have cerebral palsy. Watch with caution and a tissue...

A DOCUMENTARY FILM, CALLED HAKANI: BURIED ALIVE – A SURVIVORS STORY, will soon be released Online!!! It uncovers the shocking truth behind child killings in Brazil and tells the touching story of one survivor, a young girl named Hakani. Watch the trailer of the film to hear some of her story:

This is the story that goes with it:
In the month of June 2008, the Brazilian government will vote on MUWAJI'S LAW, which will RECOGNIZE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AS CITIZENS deserving basic human rights, in order to OUTLAW INFANTICIDE in Brazil.

EACH YEAR, DOZENS OF BRAZILIAN CHILDREN ARE BURIED ALIVE, suffocated with leaves, poisoned, or abandoned to die in the forest because of their gender, physical or mental disability, or other circumstance beyond their control. This systematic infanticide is carried out by indigenous tribes who believe it is necessary in order to rid their community of evil spirits.

The ritual killing of helpless children is currently allowed by the Brazilian government out of concern for the traditional customs of the tribes. However, a dedicated community of survivors and activists in Brazil and around the world are committed to changing the law and stopping the senseless killing.

Day 3 having a blog

I don't feel any different life seems to have just gone on. I thought at least the world would stop and stand in awe of this blog. Okay who am I kidding!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What gets me on fire

I just want to say really quickly I love my job. I don't know another job where I can get emails on a day bases sharing what God is doing around the world, or where I can start to plan community projects for 100's to get involved with.
My favorite part though is that I can accordant teams and people to go overseas and experience a bit of what God is up to in those countries, and maybe they will return with a heart for missions and a new calling in life. That right there gets me on fire, I can't wait to hear from the people going to Haiti.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mary Poppins

Okay I am now happy with the title Cherry Tree Lane... I like it a lot. Where did it come from? Well Charlie and I were tossing around Mary Poppins ever since she put a Mary Poppins head on me in a photo.

I always remember wanting to watch that movie over and over again as a child. Maybe it was the fact they had a canon go off every day, or that they met penguins and danced. What ever it was I was definitely enthralled with this movie as a kid.

So the Banks kids lived on Cherry Tree Lane.... does that just sound inviting? As a child again our neighbor had a cherry tree and I always remember going and picking cherry's out of it. Not sure if they ever noticed, but we would climb the tree like the monkey's were were and just sit up there eating all their cherry's.

Hmmm cherry's sound good now.


So I've been meaning to start blogging for awhile now, and just never seemed to get around to starting one. Now here I find myself writing my first one.
I think the hardest part so far was trying to think of a creative blog name and URL. I'm not sure if I am satisfied with the title, might have to work on that one. At least I hope it's not too late to change it.

Now, let's see how often I update this. I hope often, but if I haven't for awhile bug me.