Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So I have a friend...

No really I do have a friend and this story is about her. Of course her permission to blog about her. Actually she asked me to blog about this so here is her story...

So you know ladies when you get near that magic number of 30 and god forbid still single you start to look around and ask yourself why. They you think ah a proactive approach might be best, so you do what we've all done that are single over 28 you sign up e'feh harmony. Then you get these stupid matches that look good then the next day you get a closed message that just says 'other'. You're left thinking well if you can't man up and say why you closed then you aren't the man for me.

Then you meet that one guy, you know the one where you start to click, you've gone through the questions, the must have/can't stand list and you match up pretty well. So you start to email, things are going great. Now you're just waiting for him to man up and ask to meet. Finally a week later he does and the next thing you know on Wednesday you are grabbing coffee.

Holy moiling, you are actually meeting. Okay so he gave me his really email and I now know his last name. (of course I've already tried my name with his last name). So I do exactly what Oprah tells you NOT to do. You google him. Being the non-computer genius you are you don't find anything. That’s right not even a myspace or facebook page of him. Does he really exist?

So of course you tell your girlfriends, and give them all the latest juice on this guy, before your coffee date. Being the good friends that they are and knowing that you aren't the most computer savvy person around they google him. This time they find something....

That's that right something you aren't sure if you should tell your friend before the date or after the date. So being the friend they are they hold off until after the date.

The date come and its FABOLOUS! Man this guy is great, we click there wasn't more than 2 minutes of awkward conversation at the beginning. Things flowed well, and at the end there was a hug and words that you thinking there could be another.

As you are sharing this with your friend, they are thinking if now is the time to share this. So finally after 10 minutes they break the news too you. He has a 95% chance of being ENGAGED! that’s right your friends found his myspace page and there is a girl waving an engagement ring on it with comments of congratulations.

You take the news as a shock and don't know what to think or say. You feel slightly crushed, embarrassed and confused. Why would a guy that is engaged be on e'feh Harmony?

Well a few days pass and no word from him, of course no email for closure or anything. So you brave it up and write him an email. That basically says thanks for the great time, just curious as to why no email. Then you brave it up even more and put 'ps you might want to ask your fiancé to pull down your myspace page.'

Don’t worry it only gets better, one week after the coffee you are driving with your friend and suddenly you notice that walking down the street it’s him…..his fiancĂ©…. And his dog. You flip a U turn just to confirmed that yes you did go on a coffee date with an engaged guy.


Cindy Sims, Early Childhood Ministries Pastor said...

Did you tell the fiancee chick that her fiancee is dating around?

Joanne said...

nope we didn't

Brooks said...

I'll tell her - what's her myspace? I can be ruthless...