Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well its' Tuesday and I'm exhausted. I feel like it should be Friday but low and behold I still have 3 more days until the weekend.
This week I have meetings and more meetings, then more meetings.
Let see
Monday 11:45am-1pm
Tuesday 10am-12pm
Wednesday 6:45am-9am (thats right in the morning)
Wednesday 11:30-1pm
Thursday 5:30-7:30pm
Saturday 7:30am-9:30am (thats right another morning meeting)
Sunday 12:30-2pm

And the kicked is all of these meetings surround food, why is that?

Oh and my other list of things to complete this week:
Budgets for the next FY
paint 1500 puzzle pieces
print 1500 stickers
order 1200 brochures
put together packets for compassion reps
buy ping pong balls
sort and order photo's
look into high res photos to enlarge

needless to say I need a day off..

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Because food is great!

It's all I can think about until Thursday!!
