I have a list of things I would like to do over the next two months. Autumn is my favorite season I wish it lasted longer.
I want to go camping at Yosemite. (anyone want to go?) I want to head down to Disneyland for a weekend. (anyone?) I'd like to go to Tahoe for a weekend. (anyone?) and of course throughout all of these mini trips take photo's
This weekend the DYI bug hit me. I finally painted the wall I had been wanting to, but now I think I might want to paint two other and the kitchen. Then my old coffee table that was given to me I finally started to sand it down to refinish it. I'm now thinking about building my own side table (as tv stands only work for so long), as well as one of those tables that line up against the back of a couch.
So next weekend I think I'll paint the kitchen and stain the coffee table. I also need to start sewing a few things for this holiday season. I predict my fall will be a hands on productive one.